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Question 1 of 55
1. Question
From the following list choose 10 presuppositions of NLP
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Question 2 of 55
2. Question
What is ecology in NLP, and how do you know when you have it?
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Question 3 of 55
3. Question
What is the difference between content and process in NLP?
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Question 4 of 55
4. Question
Select one correct question to elicit the Direction Filter and one correct answer in how to use it
1. Question:
- Where are you going from here in your job/relationship/life?
- What do you want in a job/ relationship/ etc.? What is important to you about___?
- Are you making the decisions alone or with others?
2. Use:
- Use to guide a client into achieving their goals
- Use to discover Toward/Away From values
- Use to see if client is self-motivated
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Question 5 of 55
5. Question
Select one correct question to elicit the Reason Filter and one correct answer for how to use it
1. Question
- Why are you choosing to do what you do?
- How do you know if what you’re doing is the right thing?
- When did you get this job?
2. Use
- Tells when a person made the choice to do what they do
- Tells if a person knows when they have done the right thing
- Tells if person is motivated by possibilities in life or by obligations (necessity)
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Question 6 of 55
6. Question
Select one correct question to elicit the Frame of Reference Filter and one correct answer for how to use it
1. Question
- When you make a purchase do you talk with someone else, or do you make the purchase all by yourself?
- How do you know when you’ve done a good job? Do you just know inside, or does someone have to tell you?
- In a project do you refer to outside sources of information as reference?
2. Use
- To find out how people judge the results of their actions ‑ inside or outside
- To find out if people are ready for a promotion
- To find out if a person is best suited for self-employment or for a job
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Question 7 of 55
7. Question
Select one correct question to elicit the Convincer Representational Filter and one correct answer for how to use it
1. Question
- How do you know when you’ve done a good job?
- Where is your past and where is your future? Do you have to see it or feel it?
- How do you know when someone else is good at what they do? Do you have to: (a) See it?, (b) Hear about it?, (c) Do it with them?, or (d) Read about it, or read something they have written?
2. Use
- Tells which rep system is used in knowing that someone else does a good job
- Past is generally related to knowing if this is a good job
- Shows how interested one is in a certain project
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Question 8 of 55
8. Question
Select one correct question to elicit the Convincer Demonstration Filter and one correct answer for how to use it
1. Question
- How would you know if you’re good at a job?
- How often does someone have to demonstrate competency to you before you’re convinced? Once or more times?
- Is a person working with things or with people demonstrate competency to you?
2. Use
- Shows the time sequence for being convinced ‑ how long it takes how many times ‑ what period of time (days, weeks) or every time
- They work hard every day
- If they work well with systems, they’re competent
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Question 9 of 55
9. Question
Select one correct question to elicit the Action Filter and one correct answer for how to use it
1. Question
- When you come to a situation, do you usually act quickly after sizing it up or do you do a detailed study of all the consequences and then act?
- Are you a doer?
- How many jobs did you change in the last 3 years?
2. Use
- Tells how well suited is a person to work in a team or independently
- Used to discover if a person knows what to do in a sticky situation
- Has to do with predicting how much energy a person will put into pursuing their life’s goals ‑ will predict how quickly a person will act
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Question 10 of 55
10. Question
Select one correct question to elicit the Management Direction Filter and one correct answer for how to use it
1. Question
- How do you know when you’ve done a good job? Do you know it yourself or does someone else need to tell you?
- When you have to work through a problem, do you talk about it with someone else, or think about it by yourself only?
- Do you know what you need to do to increase your chances for success on a job? Do you know what someone else needs to do? Do you find it easy to tell them?
2. Use
- Shows the time sequence for being convinced of success
- Determines how much effort a person will put into their success
- Allows you to determine or predict the suitability of a person for self‑management as well as managing others
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Question 11 of 55
11. Question
Select one correct question to elicit the Affiliation Filter and one correct answer for how to use it
1. Question
- Tell me about a work situation (or environment) in which you were the happiest ‑ a one‑time event
- Do you like your job or are doing it because it pays well?
- Is a person working with things or with people demonstrate competency to you?
2. Use
- Shows the time sequence for being convinced they’ve done a good job
- Shows if a person would work well with systems or things
- Deals with how to assign people to a job or to a group effort
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Question 12 of 55
12. Question
Select one correct question to elicit the Work Preference Filter and one correct answer for how to use it
1. Question
- Tell me about a work situation (or environment) in which you were the happiest ‑ a one‑time event
- Do you prefer to work with things, systems, or people?
- How do you know when you’ve done a good job?
2. Use
- Important in job assignment ‑ indicates person’s preference in working w/things, systems or people
- Important in communication and in training
- Deals with how to assign people to a job or to a group effort
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Question 13 of 55
13. Question
Select one correct question to elicit the Chunk Size Filter and one correct answer for how to use it
1. Question
- How many things you need to look at before you decide on your purchase?
- If we were going to do a project together, would you want to know the big picture first (how it affects the company, nation, etc.), or would you want to get the details of what we’re going to do first? Would you really need to know the big picture/details?
- What direction is the past and what direction is the future for you?
2. Use
- Important in job assignment ‑ indicates person’s preference in working with things, systems or people
- Important in communication & in training ‑ relates to how people best receive & incorporate info
- Shows the overall time a person will put toward their success
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Question 14 of 55
14. Question
Select one correct question to elicit the Relationship Filter and one correct answer for how to use it
1. Question
- What is the relationship between what you are doing now and what you were doing a year ago?
- How important are relationships with people for you?
- What was the longest time in a job you ever had?
2. Use
- As a deletion filter this is one of the systems we use in the process of understanding & deciding
- Important to know if they literally mean what they say
- Shows consistency in pursuing goals and objectives
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Question 15 of 55
15. Question
From the next eight (8) examples choose what is the correct option for the respective Sleight of Mouth Pattern for the statement:
“Money causes Happiness” – where “Money” = X and “Happiness” = Y
1. Redefine X as the cause:
- It is not money that causes happiness, it is the amount that causes happiness
- Money does not create happiness, happiness creates money
2. Redefine Y as the effect:
- Money does not cause happiness; it is the learning how to make money that causes happiness
- If everyone believed that money causes happiness, then we could never get out of that trap
3. Counter Example:
- Is that really so?
- Was there ever a time when money caused unhappiness?
4. Model of the World:
- Is it true that everyone believes that money causes happiness?
- The issue of money is a matter of energy and work
5. Reality Strategy:
- Money does not cause happiness
- How do you really know if it is true or not?
6. Change Frame Size:
- If everybody in the world believed that money causes happiness, then we could never get out of that loop
- It is not the money that causes happiness, it is what you can buy with the money
7. Chunk up
- Not having money does not mean unhappiness
- Are you saying that the overall richest people on Earth are the happiest?
8. Chunk down
- How much happiness, specifically?
- Is this true for every single person?
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Question 16 of 55
16. Question
What are Values (or Criteria) and why are they important?
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Question 17 of 55
17. Question
What is a Values Hierarchy or Criteria Ladder?
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Question 18 of 55
18. Question
How do you change a Value?
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Question 19 of 55
19. Question
Select only what are the ESSENTIAL steps without which the process of Chaining Anchors will not succeed
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Question 20 of 55
20. Question
What are the MAJOR elements that are important in designing a chain of anchors?
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Question 21 of 55
21. Question
Select from the following ALL the criteria for intermediate states in Chaining Anchors?
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Question 22 of 55
22. Question
What is a Strategy in NLP?
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Question 23 of 55
23. Question
What are the key elements in the elicitation of a strategy in NLP?
- The five Modalities plus Self Talk in the correct order and sequence. The modalities are:
Visual ‑ External, Internal (constructed/remembered)
Auditory ‑ External, Internal (constructed/remembered)
Kinesthetic ‑ External, Internal (constructed/remembered)
Olfactory ‑ External, Internal (constructed/remembered)
Gustatory ‑ External, Internal (constructed/remembered) - The TOTE model
- Taking a detailed personal history
CorrectIncorrect - The five Modalities plus Self Talk in the correct order and sequence. The modalities are:
Question 24 of 55
24. Question
Which one is the most elegant and subtle way of eliciting a strategy in NLP?
A. Formal Strategy Elicitation
- Can you remember a time when you were totally x’d?
- Can you remember a specific time?
- As you go back to that time now, what was the very first thing that caused you to be totally x’d?
- Was it something you saw (or the way someone looked at you)? Was it something you heard (or someone’s tone of voice), or was it the touch of someone or something? What was the very first thing that caused you to be totally x’d?
- After you (saw, heard, felt) that, what was the very next thing that happened as you were totally x’d? Did you picture something in your mind? Say something to yourself or have a certain feeling or emotion? What was the very first thing that caused you to be totally x’d?
- After you (list previous), did you know you were totally x’d or… (Repeat steps 5 and 6 until complete)
Watch for predicates, eye patterns, rep systems and convincer
B. Informal Strategy Elicitation script (Strategy Elicitation from Eye Patterns):
- Run eye tracking test to ensure they can access all quadrants
- Determine if they are normally organized or reversed organized
- Ask if they can remember a time when they bought something they liked? A specific time?
Find out what was it and if they were by themselves when they bought it
Ask if they are happy with the purchase and make sure they bought it by themselves (if NO at any one, it could be a different strategy) If NO, repeat step 3 for another product. Otherwise go to Step 4 - Ask: So you are in the store, (car lot, etc.) How did you decide (name product) was for you?
- As they answer, watch their eye patterns and make a note. Pay attention to the predicates. They should match the eye patterns. Note repeated keywords. Note Convincer
- You can repeat steps 3 – 5 a few times and possibly with different items until you are sure you’ve got the strategy
- Test (feed back their strategy using matching predicates)
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Question 25 of 55
25. Question
From the NLP perspective, select from the following what are the ten (10) important elements in the structure of a well-formed strategy?
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Question 26 of 55
26. Question
Select the ways used in NLP to install a Strategy
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Question 27 of 55
27. Question
What are SubModalities?
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Question 28 of 55
28. Question
What is the relationship of Strategies to SubModalities?
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Question 29 of 55
29. Question
What is Mapping Across?
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Question 30 of 55
30. Question
What is Contrastive Analysis?
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Question 31 of 55
31. Question
What are the three (3) major elements in successful SubModalities interventions?
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Question 32 of 55
32. Question
Select which of the following are used in the NLP negotiation process
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Question 33 of 55
33. Question
Select from the following three (3) examples, the correct sequence of NLP basic steps in modeling
- Find an established model
- Practice modeling at home by watching videos and studying their movements and poses
- Seek constructive criticism from family and trusted friends
- Subscribe to an online casting platform
- Expect patience and stamina to stay fresh through long days of work
- Modeling is not only about looks
- Personality is also important
- Modeling is also about representing—and, in many cases, selling a product
- Have passion to succeed and willingness to replicate the model
- Have motivation and do whatever it takes
- Find someone whose behavior is worth modeling‑a model of excellence
- Find their (a) beliefs and values (b) strategy (c) physiology
- Install this in yourself
- Create a training
- Train others
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Question 34 of 55
34. Question
Select the five (5) NLP elements ESSENTIAL in making an effective presentation
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Question 35 of 55
35. Question
Select the correct answer to discover how your client stores time
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Question 36 of 55
36. Question
Select what are the six (6) most important Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind?
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Question 37 of 55
37. Question
What is meant by Gestalt in Time Line Therapy®?
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Question 38 of 55
38. Question
How do you find the root cause for a Negative Emotion in Time Line Therapy®?
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Question 39 of 55
39. Question
What is secondary gain in NLP and Time Line Therapy® ?
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Question 40 of 55
40. Question
What are the three things to check in Position 3 in Time Line Therapy®?
- Admit there is a Negative Emotion present – I.E. Self-awareness
- Emotions need to be expressed to be processed – move the energy of emotion through and out the body
- Processing – What does the emotion you just admitted to need from you?
- Make sure client is in Position 3, and is high enough and far enough back
- Make sure client is before the first event
- Unconscious Mind must be totally agreeable to let go of the emotion
- Don’t blow things out of proportion by going over them again and again
- Understand and accept that Negative Emotions are unavoidable in life and think of ways to make yourself feel better
- Notice how Negative Emotions make you feel, and which events trigger those Negative Emotions so you can prepare in advance
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Question 41 of 55
41. Question
What is the specific intervention for a Negative Emotion in the case of trauma or phobia?
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Question 42 of 55
42. Question
In Time Line Therapy® what is the specific intervention for the removal of Guilt?
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Question 43 of 55
43. Question
What is the specific intervention for a Limiting Decision?
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Question 44 of 55
44. Question
What is the appropriate intervention for a minor Negative Emotion (like frustration), using Time Line Therapy®?
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Question 45 of 55
45. Question
Choose from the following the correct answer(s) for How to do a Change Personal History?
- Design and install a positive resource anchor
- Identify with client a persistent recurring undesirable state, and anchor the state
- Fire the undesirable state anchor while you identify and then anchor one event in the client’s past where the client experienced the state
- Repeat this, anchoring at least two more events (Anchor as many as necessary)
- Make sure that the state associated with the positive resource anchor is greater than the negative state
- Fire the first event anchor while holding the resource anchor and have the client relive the event with the new resources
- Repeat this for each event that was anchored
- Test
- Future Pace
By revisiting a memory of a past event where you were treated poorly from your point of view. You can change your personal history by taking your current level of understanding and resources and integrating those with those past times when you were less resourcefulC.
Any intervention using Time Line Therapy® (Negative Emotions #1, Negative Emotions #2, Limiting Decisions Procedure, etc.) is essentially a Change Personal HistoryCorrectIncorrect -
Question 46 of 55
46. Question
Select the correct answer for the difference in NLP between Association and Dissociation
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Question 47 of 55
47. Question
In NLP, when would you use each Association and Dissociation?
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Question 48 of 55
48. Question
If you see yourself in the picture, are you Associated or Dissociated?
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Question 49 of 55
49. Question
What is a Phobia?
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Question 50 of 55
50. Question
Select the correct answer(s) for how to remove a Phobia from Time Line Therapy® point of view
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Question 51 of 55
51. Question
From the NLP perspective, what is a “State”, and why is it important?
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Question 52 of 55
52. Question
What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?
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Question 53 of 55
53. Question
From the NLP perspective select the correct Parts Integration modality of intervention
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Question 54 of 55
54. Question
What are the most important conditions for a successful Parts Integration in NLP?
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Question 55 of 55
55. Question
Select the correct question(s) to elicit Values